How Much Does Invisalign Cost in Canada?

How Much Does Invisalign Cost in Canada?

You finally think you’re ready to take the leap and get braces, but there are too many special events coming up—a wedding, graduation, work parties. You can’t imagine wearing metal braces for the next two years. If this sounds like you, Invisalign might be your best option.

With Invisalign, you can smile unabashedly in photos. They are hardly noticeable and can even be taken out for short periods if necessary.

That said, you might be wondering: how much does Invisalign cost in Canada?  A variety of factors determine the cost of Invisalign in Canada. Let’s explore those factors along with some other common questions.

What is Invisalign?

When many people hear the word braces, what comes to mind are painful wires, smiling teenagers, and bits of food that seem perpetually stuck in brackets.

While it’s true that traditional wire braces are one option and they do come with many of those stereotypical traits, the Invisalign system is also a form of braces. The difference is Invisalign uses clear tray aligners, so you often don’t notice they are there.

Some people confuse braces and retainers. Invisalign is considered a type of brace because it slowly braces teeth to move them into a new position. Retainers simply keep teeth in place.

With Invisalign, a 3D mould of your mouth is used to make clear aligner trays. The aligners are tight and put pressure on your teeth to slowly straighten them. You’ll need a new aligner every few weeks. The trays will each feel different as they continue to move your teeth.

You can remove your Invisalign tray to eat, brush your teeth, and floss. The remaining 20 to 22 hours of the day, you are expected to wear the aligner to see results.

Invisalign vs Braces

Are you having trouble deciding between Invisalign and traditional metal braces? Maybe you want the clear benefits of Invisalign, but you’re worried you may misplace your tray? Below are similarities and differences to help you make an informed decision.


Mouth Discomfort

This aspect is unavoidable with both traditional metal braces and Invisalign. Your teeth are moving, and that means there will be some minor discomfort. However, with Invisalign, the movement is slower, so the discomfort may be less severe than with metal braces.

Straighter Teeth

Both metal braces and Invisalign have the same goal. No matter which you choose, you can be confident you will be walking away with straighter teeth.


Noticeable vs. Invisible

This aspect is unavoidable with both traditional metal braces and Invisalign. Your teeth are moving, and that means there will be some minor discomfort. However, with Invisalign, the movement is slower, so the discomfort may be less severe than with metal braces.

Removable vs. Set in Place

Both metal braces and Invisalign have the same goal. No matter which you choose, you can be confident you will be walking away with straighter teeth.

Number of Dentist’s Visits

This point may be a game-changer for some folks. With Invisalign, after your initial mouth scan, multiple liners are made at once. That means you won’t have to make as many trips to the dentist as you would with metal braces.

Cost of Invisalign in Canada

As mentioned, several factors determine the cost of Invisalign. Once you consult with an orthodontist, you will know definitively what your Invisalign system will cost. Find an orthodontist in your area to get started. If you don’t have an orthodontist, research local providers, and ask friends and family for recommendations.

In Canada, the cost for Invisalign generally ranges from $2,000 to $8,000. According to Invisalign, treatment can cost from $3,000 to $7,000, but having dental insurance can significantly reduce costs. Many people qualify for up to $3,000 in assistance from their insurance company.

Cost Determinants

Duration of Treatment

  • Orthodontist’s time for labour

Details of Treatment

  • Age of patient
  • Experience of the provider/orthodontist

Range of Issues

The more issues requiring correction the higher the cost

  • Overbite
  • Alignment issues
  • Underbite
  • crowding/spacing

Patients without insurance pay directly out of pocket for Invisalign services.

Paying for Invisalign With Insurance

The cost of Invisalign with dental insurance depends on what your plan covers. You will have to speak with your provider to know the exact details. Some plans don’t cover orthodontic treatment at all, while others will cover 50% or, in some cases, even 75%.

What are Dental Veneers and How Much Do They Cost in Canada?

Veneers are a popular dental treatment option in Canada. However, its cost is a roadblock for many people who dream of a beautiful, white smile.

Group Dental Plans

Many business owners are interested in protecting the health and wellbeing of their employees. By providing dental insurance to employees, business owners can give employees the support they need for better dental hygiene and general health, and healthy employees take fewer sick days.

Some, but not all, group dental insurance plans include orthotics services (like Invisalign) used to straighten teeth.

If you’re a small business owner, get quotes from Canada’s top insurance providers fast with Group Enroll. If you’re an employee, talk to your employer’s HR department about offering group dental insurance.

Paying for Invisalign Without Insurance

If you don’t have dental insurance, you may be able to pay for your Invisalign through a payment plan.

For example, if your Invisalign costs $6,000, with a 24-month payment plan, you would pay increments of $250 a month.

Health Spending Account (HSA)

In Canada, an HSA can help turn dental expenses into pre-taxed expenses. This benefit is available to self-employed contractors, single-person businesses, and small businesses with two or more employees.

How Long Will My Invisalign Treatment Take?

How long your Invisalign treatment will take varies based on how much adjustment your teeth require. In mild cases, Invisalign treatment can last just six months, but 12 to 18 months is typical. You may begin to see small improvements in as little as a few weeks.

Your orthodontist will give you a more accurate estimate. Treatment duration and the number of trays required also play a factor in determining the cost of your Invisalign plan. A less severe case may mean a shorter time wearing Invisalign and lower costs.

During your consultation, a 3D image of your teeth will be taken to help determine the specifics of your case and whether you are eligible for faster Invisalign treatment. In general, if your teeth are mildly crowded, or you only have one or two small gaps, your Invisalign treatment will be on the shorter side.

Alternatives to Invisalign in Canada

Lingual braces are a lesser-known style of braces. They are installed using wires and brackets behind the teeth and can be a good alternative for people who are mainly concerned with appearance. If even Invisalign feels too noticeable to you, lingual braces might be a good option.

You will need to consult with your orthodontist to determine the cost of lingual braces.

Wrapping It Up

Invisalign offers many benefits while also leaving you with a better smile. At the end of the day, being confident and more informed about how to pay for Invisalign in Canada will help you make the right decision moving forward.

Get in touch with an orthodontist in your area today and get a head start on a straighter smile in the future!

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