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Health Guide

What Does an Eye Chart Really Measure?

What Does an Eye Chart Really Measure?

Many people can’t escape childhood schooling or doctor visits without testing on an eye chart. The Snellen eye chart is the most common and has the classic appearance of large letters at the top of the page, slowly descending into wide rows of significantly smaller...

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How Do Fitness Reimbursement Plans Work?

How Do Fitness Reimbursement Plans Work?

Physical fitness reduces the risk of many medical conditions that decrease quality of life and increase the health costs for many Canadians. It makes sense from a financial and public health standpoint for Canadian insurance companies and businesses to invest in the...

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10 Telltale Signs that You Need New Glasses

10 Telltale Signs that You Need New Glasses

Your current glasses are not a permanent solution for your vision problems. Your eyes and eyesight evolve as you age, and as a result, the prescriptions you receive as a kid won’t correct any of your changed impairments or any new ones that have developed. There are...

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Individual Health & Dental Plans