Legally sound employment contracts spell out your company’s obligations to workers and their responsibilities to the business. Canadian employment contracts must comply with the terms set by the Employment Standards Act, or ESA. The Act describes legal minimums that...
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8 Employee Recognition Strategies That Actually Work
The foundation of a successful company is employee satisfaction. Making a company thrive starts with hiring the most qualified staff. The next step is to make them feel valued and motivated. This is where employee recognition comes in. Highlighting the efforts of...
A Guide to Developing an Effective Employee Training Program
An effective employee training program can be helpful to any business. Like vacation time and group insurance, training is a benefit that can attract qualified job seekers to your company and help retain the staff you already have. Training not only allows your...
How to Motivate your Employees: Tips for HR Managers
Employee motivation is the level of energy, persistence, creativity, and commitment that a workforce brings to its assigned tasks. While it’s completely normal for employees to be occasionally uninspired or unmotivated, constant disengagement is a serious issue. Many...
Your Guide to the Most Desired Employee Benefits and Perks for 2021
Employees are the most important asset for many businesses, and a high salary on its own isn’t always enough to keep them around. People value attractive employee benefits and perks, so employers who offer them will always stand out. What’s more, research shows that...
6 Qualities & Skills Employers Looking for 2021
If you are thinking about a job change, it is a good idea to consider the traits prospective employers are looking for in a new hire. You may be dependable and adept at the technical aspects of the job, but that often isn’t enough. Employers want someone who can...
5 Ways to Keep Employees Happy at Work
No business will thrive without the help of happy, dedicated employees. Happy employees are those who know their employer is meeting their needs. Their contentment plays a substantial role in a business’s productivity levels and determines whether the workplace has a...
Employee Benefits: All You Need to Know
Attracting and retaining top talent Hiring the best talent is an excellent way to propel your company forward, but how do you make sure that you can recruit and keep that talent? While a good salary is a start, research shows that paying your employees more offers...